For the latest updates about offers, specials, tradeshow dates and particulars,
join our mailing list and follow @papereclips.
Minimum Order: $300
Minimum Order: $300
Spring Designs
May be combined with Everyday -
Minimum Order $200, unpriced cards, ships from Toronto.
Minimum Order: $300
Minimum Order: $300
Minimum Order: $300
Minimum Order: $300
Minimum Order: $300
Calendars & Planners 2026
Minimum $200 | Starts shipping in May -
Everyday Minimum: $300
Calendars & Planners 2026
Minimum $200 | Starts shipping in May -
Minimum Order: $300
Calendars & Planners 2026
Minimum $200 | Starts shipping in July -
Minimum Order: $300
Easter Collection
May be combined with Everyday. -
Minimum Order: $300
Museums & Galleries
(includes Real & Exciting):
Deadline: June 8th
Free Shipping: Min. Spend $800
Minimum Order $300Ling Designs, Penny Kennedy,
and Retrospect Calendars:
Free Shipping: Min. Spend $800
Minimum Order $300
Ling, Penny Kennedy, and Retrospect Calendars: March 30th*Account must be in good standing to receive free shipping. This promo can not be combined with other offers. applied to invoice. No promo code needed. Free Shipping will be applied at time of invoice.
Product ships in September.
The Paper E. Clips Collection is an extensive assortment of more than 50 world-renowned and distinctive greeting card brands. Combine your order of the products in this collection in any way with any combination of brands to meet the minimum value. Outside seasonal peak periods,
The Paper E. Clips Collection is available to ship from our Toronto HQ in ~1-2 days following the placement of your order.