Peaceable kingdom
The Peaceable Kingdom brand you know and love is now brought to you by MindWare! This collection of award-winning family games & gifts for kids inspires cooperation and cultivates kindness. Co-operative games such as Hoot Owl Hoot, Feed The Woozle, and Count Your Chickens help kids learn to play well together. MindWare is passionate about filling the world with fun, high-quality products that foster lifelong learning, growth, and success.
Minimum Order: $300 CDN
Turnaround Time: ~3-6 weeks following placement of your order to delivery (outside of peak seasonal periods). Peaceable Kingdom ships once a week to Canada. At Paper E. Clips, we take care of all cross-border fees on Peaceable Kingdom orders (excl. shipping). Paper E. Clips is the exclusive supplier of Peaceable Kingdom products in Canada.